
Somatics can be defined as Western body–mind disciplines. Kelly Mullan (2014) writes in her article Somatics: Investigating the common ground of western body–mind disciplines, that somatic process involves ‘sensing in’ to the moment by moment experience of the self in order for ‘information’ from the body to inform conscious awareness (pp. 253-4). The quality of developing an inner authority by listening to the ‘voice’ of one’s own body is central to somatic theory. It is only by becoming more ‘in tune’ with ourselves that we may develop our abilities for personal transformation (p. 256). Somatic practices are linked to mind-body medicine and philosophies of the East (India, China, and Japan), but is different as it emerged from the West and often integrates either creative arts or bodily sciences as a part of the underlying philosophy (p. 253). For example, Somatic Experiencing (SE) involves tracking nervous system patterns and survival responses expressed by the body through physiological responses. 


Mullan, K. (2014). Somatics: Investigating the common ground of western body–mind disciplines. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy9(4), 253-265, DOI: 10.1080/17432979.2014.946092.


Remote Touch in Somatic Therapy


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